Breaking news - Camden affirm Levy

07 Dec

Following on from a lengthly consultation the London Borough Of Camden Licensing Sub Committee tonight voted to adopt the Late Night Levy for premises which operate between 12 midnight and 6am. The Levy will operate with limited exemptions.

As a result of the latest consultation a discount of 30% is to be applied to premises within BID areas and  premises with a non domestic rateable value of £12,000 or less.In relation to New Years Eve a general exception was made.

Partner Michelle Hazlewood attended the meeting (the only trade representative to do so) and made submissions to the sub committee as to the benefits of further exemptions, particularly for hotels providing overnight accommodation and the unintended consequences of the Levy.

Flowing on from the content of her comments, some sub committee members felt the economic cost to business should be assessed, along with the potential cost to individuals who may loose contractual hours if the levy was adopted with one Councillor suggesting that an economic assessment should be undertaken to identify the aforementioned impacts. Michelle Hazlewood said "although the Levy was voted in, I believe our submission raised the unintended consequences of the adoption of the Levy and widened the debate from just financial returns for the Borough and financial impacts on the operators".

The levy is to be introduced on the 28th April 2016.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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